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Embark on a journey of Customer Success with Charles Leveillee, Customer Success Manager at Issuu. Discover the pivotal role of customer journey mapping in building a successful customer success strategy. Charles shares insights into understanding human behavior, providing personalized support, and the crucial training programs for Customer Success Managers.


Charles Leveillee - Customer Success Manager, Issuu

  • Charting a Path to Success Creating a customer journey map is the first step to understanding the customer experience and building a successful customer success strategy. By mapping out the customer’s experience, we can identify gaps and opportunities that will allow us to provide more personalized and effective support to meet our customer’s needs.
  • The Power of People Prioritizing understanding human behavior as a cornerstone of an effective customer success strategy enables the delivery of better results. By listening empathetically, anticipating customers’ needs, and tailoring solutions to resonate with them, customer success professionals gain customer loyalty and long-term business success.
  • Developing a Winning Team Training Customer Success Managers is crucial to developing a thriving customer success operation. A well-rounded training program should include industry-specific knowledge, product expertise, communication skills, and customer empathy to empower managers to develop long-term strategic partnerships, drive revenue growth, and inspire customer loyalty.

About Charles Leveillee

Dynamic Customer Success Manager with a relentless drive for excellence.

I believe in operating fearlessly, understanding that mistakes are not setbacks but learning opportunities that propel us toward growth and success.

My approach is characterized by urgency and a ‘default to action’ style, ensuring no opportunity for improvement is overlooked.

Customer satisfaction is at the core of my work ethic.

I am staunchly customer-first, continually seeking ways to provide exceptional value and exceed expectations.

I am obsessed with ensuring that every interaction adds to their positive experience and contributes to their journey with our brand.

Despite my accomplishments, I maintain a humble demeanor.

I understand that there’s no room for egos in a successful team.

I believe in a team-first mindset and actively embrace change, viewing it as a chance to evolve and innovate.

If you’re looking for a Customer Success Manager who is fearless, driven, customer-centric, and humble, let’s connect.

I am excited about bringing these values to your team and driving our mutual success.

About Company


Issuu is where the world’s most innovative and growth-oriented content creators publish digitally. As the industry’s leading digital publishing platform, we give publishers the tools to deliver over 5 billion page views each month to the 80+ million readers who care most about their content. We help publishers find, understand, monetize and grow a massive global audience on any device — while helping readers all over the world discover, enjoy and share new content. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, Issuu is backed by Sunstone Capital and KDDI.


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