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Delve into the heart of customer success with Parul Bhandari, Director of Customer Success at South Asian Success. Parul shares profound insights into the art of unlocking customer success through a nuanced value exchange. Explore the dynamic interplay of giving and receiving value, the central role of data in shaping key metrics, and the power of thoughtful listening in building meaningful relationships. Join Parul on a journey that transforms customer success into a strategic dance of understanding, delivering, and receiving value.

Parul Bhandari - Founder, South Asian Success

  • Drive value exchange: Customer Success in a nutshell is about retaining and growing value in/retaining and growing value out. The company gives the customer products/services/data and the customer gives the company renevue/data/references (<– some not all of the things).
  • Be data-minded: Customer Success at the core is not about the relationship but the value we bring to it.
  • Data-drives so many things from insights, to ROI, to KPIs. It is important to live it, learn it, and love it.
    Listen thoughfully: To listen is a skill of its own, to listen thoughtfully is to give your attention, your time, and your mind to a task at hand. This is the greatest gift we can give our customers, teams and stakeholders.

About Parul Bhandari

Customer Success Executive, Speaker and People-champion. Leading and growing teams and individuals to master the b2b value exchange.

Customer Success, Support and post-implementation services for Aclaimant since March 2021. Proficient in assisting early and growth stage companies, with Customer Success team startup from the ground up. Also experience with reorganization, CS tooling, Support tooling and more.

Previously led various Customer Success Teams at VelocityEHS since 2016. This began with design and development of all elements of the Customer Success department for our organization, from strategy to people to workflows and systems. Today, the team supports 400+ customers across 9000 locations. Overall, my team has maintained a retention rate of 95% for 2 platforms.

Specialties: Customer success startups, starting a CS team from the ground up, early stage customer services.

About Company

South Asian Customer Success and Experience Community. We aim to create a collaborative space where Customer Experience and Success professionals who identify as South Asian can celebrate our shared culture, learn and grow together, and drive diversity in thought & practice for our workplaces.

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