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Delve into the world of customer success with Antti Nevalainan, Growth / CS Coach at Catalyst Software. In this illuminating exploration, Antti shares key insights into the art of effective communication in customer success management. Learn to view customer complaints as opportunities for growth and relationship strengthening while embracing the crucial principles of customer-centric design in journey mapping. Join Antti Nevalainan on the journey to mastering customer success at Catalyst Software.

Antti Nevalainen - Growth/CS Coach Catalyst Software

  • Effective communication is key in customer success management. It’s important to set clear expectations and boundaries, listen actively, and respond empathetically to customer feedback.
  • Customer complaints should be viewed as opportunities to strengthen relationships and improve processes. It’s important to understand the root cause of the complaint and work towards a mutually beneficial solution.
  • Outside-in always! Customer centric design is crucial for journey mapping.

About Antti Nevalainen


About Company

Catalyst is the world’s most intuitive Customer Success Platform (CSP), built by an experienced group of industry leaders. Previously, our founder built an effective Customer Success organization for one of the fastest growing cloud companies in the world. Catalyst integrates with all the tools you’re already using to provide one centralized view of customer data. Customer Success Managers can proactively take the right actions to prevent churn, such as receiving automated alerts when a customer is not using certain features that are critical to their success.


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